Building a legacy through innovation, connections, and opportunity.
Dragados/Flatiron, a Joint Venture (DFJV), is comprised of Dragados USA and Flatiron. Both companies provide national and international experience in building major infrastructure projects around the world.
DFJV oversees the design and construction of Construction Package 2-3 (CP 2-3)
of the California High Speed Rail, the first high speed rail project in the nation.
DFJV - Leading Quality Projects for California High-Speed Rail CP 2-3 Project
Our team, Dragados USA, and Flatiron, collectively known as DFJV, brings the necessary transportation experience to successfully complete the California High-Speed Rail Construction Package 2-3 Project (CP 2-3). The California High-Speed Rail Authority (Authority) is responsible for the planning, design, construction and operation of the first high-speed rail system in the nation. The California High-Speed Rail System will connect the mega-regions of the State; contribute to economic development and a cleaner environment; create jobs for subcontractors and small business; and preserve agricultural and protected lands. Construction Package 2-3 is a 65-mile route located within the counties of Fresno, Tulare and Kings. The Project requirements are construction of at-grade, aerial, and below grade sections of the high-speed train, relocation of existing conventional rail lines for approximately 5.5 miles, crossing of existing conventional rail lines, construction of waterway and wildlife crossings, and roadway reconstructions, relocations, and closures. The design-build contract will bring thousands of jobs to the Central Valley. The route will also provide environmental benefits, relieve roadway congestion and spur economic development.